I love Tina Turner and there is a Facebook page about getting Tina into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (Her and her creepy ex-husband, Ike, are in the Hall of Fame recently.) So on the FB page they are always posting anything new and relevant about her life. Tina was on the cover of the German Vogue magazine. I commented that "I would love to get my hands on this!" About three weeks later a package arrived at the salon I work at and there was the German Vogue from my FB friend!! I was in shock that she even saw the post and then took the time to get me this magazine. She said she has a friend in England who bought it and shipped it to her in North Carolina. (Ilive in Upper Michigan.)
So as a sign of gratitude I made her this cute little quilt sized at 12" x 12" based on one of my patterns. I knew my FB friend had straight brown hair, loves tie dye stuff and peace signs so I incorporated these things in the quilt. It was fun to make and I mailed it out to her a week later!! She loved it and I feel good she has it and I can think of her kindness every time I look at the pictures in the German Vogue-I don't know German so I can't actually read the Tina Turner acticle!!