I entered the 2013 Sacred Threads Quilt Contest which is in July in Virigina. It is an exhibit which has spiritual themes of healing, joy, peace/brotherhood, grief and others. I had a quilt in the exhibit in 2011 (the show is on the odd year) and I entered the maximum 2 quilts. The first is the quilt above titled "My Friend is Bipolar" which was intended for the SAQA Exhibit last year called "I'm Not Crazy!" (not so great of a title in my opinion.) I poured heart and soul into this quilt because people in my life that are very close to me are bipolar. This quilt represented my view of living with people who are Bipolar. I was quite bummed when it did not make the cut. When this exhibit call to entry came around I selected the "grief" category and it was juried into the show!! Their website is

The woman on the left represents the "manic" side of the personality disorder-very grandiose, over the edge, frantic, excessive, hyper etc. She is not easy for me to look at because she screams irratic!!

The woman on the right represents the "depressed" side of being bipolar-stressed, low self esteem, gloomy, pessimistic etc. I feel I have captured her pain.
The colors I have chosen for each side of the Bipolar Disorder is also representational. The clothing, the hair, the jewelry etc. all reflect this.

My quilt "Victory Rolls" is near and dear to my heart because it is a perfect representation of me- the hairdresser, fashionista and lover of bright colors, flowers and embellishments. Therefore I put it in the "joy" category and it was also accepted into this exhibit!!

I went on a limb and gave my 1940s woman green skin because I love lime and chartruese!!
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